Pointers to a simplify mathematics

Mathematics is simple but can turn our life miserable in a second. During session, we cannot skip class or even daydream because it feels like you’ve travel in the future in just a second that you are not being attentive.

Here are some tips and guidelines that will help you slow down time to understand mathematics well.

  1. Be ready. A cup of coffee or a bottle of energy drink will do, a substance called nicotine makes our brain alert and attentive, it will also help you not to feel sleepy during session.
  2. Avoid destruction. Better turn off your phone or put it on an emergency status so that no one will bother you and no one will catch your attention. A minute you divert your attention to other things, it will be difficult to retrieve your focus.
  3. Stay focus. No matter what destruction is, never loss your focus. It is the vital part of success.
  4. Learn not hear. Hearing doesn’t mean your learning, you should understand or digest every bit of information delivered or discussed.
  5. Jot down notes. Notes help you remember a detailed information that you might miss comprehending
  6. Practice. Try solving exercises and practice problem. It helps you get expose to the subject. And,
  7. Excel. Lastly, make sure you excel, learning means your acquiring knowledge so it means that your grades suppose to elevate or rise.

A successful life has a shadow of striving hard. If you want to to achieve the top, start from the bottom and strive hard. Success is the sweetest fruit of hard work.

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